Refereeing Information

When games are assigned, referee will receive an email. Games will AUTO DECLINE if you do not accept or decline within 72 hours of receiving the assignment. You can also set up your profile so you receive assignments via text messages on
Review and know the rules of the game.
When you have an assignment, arrive early (at least15 minutes). Referee staff are responsible for setting up flags, checking field, checking ball pressures, and clean up of flags.
Wisconsin Youth Soccer Referee Appearance.
- No Sunglasses. If you have prescription glasses that tint in the sunlight this is acceptable.
- Socks MUST be pulled up.
- Solid BLACK shorts/pants. No blue. No white in them.
- Shoes should be mostly black. No brightly colored shoes.
- No Jewelry. Remove necklaces, earrings, bracelets, rings. Wedding rings are acceptable to wear.
At the end of this page is a list of length of games and pay rate for each age group. Each team will pay half of the total cost. They may have separate envelopes or they may have one envelope with the money for all three referees. You should collect this from the coaches before the game begins. If you ever have a problem with receiving the correct pay let me know as soon as possible so we can get it corrected.
All three referees should be involved with checking in the teams. The Center referee will oversee the coin flip before the game and hold the player passes during the game. The Center referee maintains the official time on the field. Assistant referees should keep the time as well. Do not use a phone or other electronic device to keep time. Have a referee’s watch or a stop watch to track the time.
For checking teams in, ask the coaches for their team roster and their player cards which are to be used to check in the teams. The cards are to be returned at the end of the game. The roster may be returned if there are no issues. Do not place the cards in your bag. Under your bag is a good idea. At least once every season a referee leaves the field with player cards in their bag. This can be very upsetting for the teams, particularly the visiting team.
All coaches’ cards need to be checked before the game. Returning coaches should have a card from the State indicating they are licensed. New coaches should show their card from the State for Risk Management and a copy of the Certificate they received via email from the State after completing their Grassroots module. If the coach fails to show his certification, it is to be reported immediately to Karen Stashek (League Treasurer) at She will need the name of the coach and the team name. If this happens twice the coach will be fined.
The Center referee keeps the official score during the game, but the assistant referees should track this as well so you can confirm the information at the end of the game. The Center referee also needs to go on to record the score and any cards given. You will receive reminder emails if you do not do this in a timely manner. CWSL and MYSA also want to be advised if there are issues with parents or coaches, and would like this information entered in the Comment section when reporting the score.
Call, text (715-305-5831) or email Randy Sherman as well if there are Coach or Parent conduct problems which occur during a game. Hopefully this does not occur, but if it does, the sooner it is reported the quicker it can be reviewed with the referee and determine if additional action is appropriate. Randy is your advocate.
No heading U11 and down.
If a player has a cast and is using it in a reckless or dangerous fashion, you can manage the situation through verbal communication or yellow/red card as appropriate.
Email Notifications
To receive email notifications, certain boxes need to be checked in GameOfficials under "My Info". Make sure that under “Cell / Email Notices” that “One Per Game - One email will be sent for each new game assignment “ is checked. Then, further down under “Group Emails” the “Subscribe - Yes, I want to receive group emails from this Group.” also needs to be checked. Again both items need to be checked in order to receive notifications of game assignments.
Information on how to do this can also be found in GameOfficials under the “Assignment System Identities”. Click on the “View” for “Change Setting to Receive emails and Assignments”. You should also look at some of the other pertinent messages that are listed here.