Coaching Certificate Courses

Coaching Certificate Courses

Thank you for your commitment and time helping, teaching and coaching our youth athletes. Each coach is required by WYSA to complete appropriate coaching courses to receive a coaching license. Prior to coaching complete the following:

  1. Go to Wisconsin Youth Soccer Association.
  2. To register a family member for programs offered by Risk Management, click on the register button next to the family member.
  3. Complete the Risk Management Form.
  4. Select the coaching course for you from the Grassroots Courses available in the state.
  5. Select In-Person
  6. Select 4v4, 7v7, 9v9 or 11v11.  Suggest selecting 7v7 and 11v11. Each course is 4 hours in person with some work to complete prior.
  7. In "Host" field, select Wis Youth Soccer.
  8. Select "Location" - Wisconsin.
  9. Courses will display below. Click on the "Course details" and go from there. Most likely need to log in.
  • 4v4 is for Rec Level
  • 7v7 is for U10
  • 9v9 is for U11 & U12
  • 11v11 is for U13 and up
  • D-licenses certify coaches for State level or those that are interested in further coaching training for U15+.

The cost of the course will be covered by MYSA as well as travel and room if greater than 60 miles away. Complete and submit the Reimbursement Form.